Our Story
"The one thing I don't like about Denver's neighborhoods...the lawns look like crap."
Those are my sister's words as she considered moving here from Washington, D.C. She felt the great vibe, the relaxed atmosphere, and the surrounding natural beauty, but that was her one notable criticism.
I started Denver Green Lawns Initiative (DGLI) because there's truth in what she said. While we aren't blessed with the most abundant water supply in the World, we aren't doing ourselves any favors by using poorly-suited turfgrass cultivars and generally not putting in some minimal effort to keep our lawns maintained. We can do better!
The goal of DGLI is twofold:
to educate you so that our Colorado cities and suburbs reflect the water-conservation mindset western states like ours must take to remain sustainable.
To achieve better, greener lawns without compromising on that sustainability.